
Title: #todayspoem

Date: March 24, 2017

Description: In fact, every day is #todayspoem day. With the #todayspoem hashtag, you can share an excerpt from any poem that happens to have made your day. Everyone shares their #todayspoem experience a little differently, with an image, a link, an excerpt, whatever fits in a tweet. Each tweet is enough to spur a moment of delight or recognition or, handily favorited in Twitter, is a lovely bookmark for future poetry explorations.

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Title: #todayspoem

Date: March 10, 2017

Description: In fact, every day is #todayspoem day. With the #todayspoem hashtag, you can share an excerpt from any poem that happens to have made your day. Everyone shares their #todayspoem experience a little differently, with an image, a link, an excerpt, whatever fits in a tweet. Each tweet is enough to spur a moment of delight or recognition or, handily favorited in Twitter, is a lovely bookmark for future poetry explorations.

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Wit, Voice and Wisdom: Three Jewish Poets at Holy Blossom Temple

Title: Wit, Voice and Wisdom: Three Jewish Poets at Holy Blossom Temple

Date: April 19, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: Three Toronto Jewish poets who use wit as a pathway to wisdom will read poems on Jewish themes in celebration of National Poetry Month. Ron Charach, Ken Sherman and Adam Sol will read at this event, hosted by Michael Greenstein, literary critic.

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2017 Mississauga Poet Laureate submission deadline

Title: 2017 Mississauga Poet Laureate submission deadline

Date: March 17, 2017

mississauga-museumLocation: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Description: The City of Mississauga recognized its inaugural Poet Laureate in 2015. The role of the Poet Laureate is to elevate the status of poetry, literary arts and writers within their communities and beyond. The honorary position recognizes a poet who writes excellent poetry or spoken word and has written on themes that are relevant to the citizens of Mississauga. The Poet Laureate will serve a 2 year term beginning in April 2017 and ending in March 2019. The candidate must be a published poet or spoken word artist, and be a current Mississauga resident.

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The 18th Archibald Lampman Poetry Reading with Liz Howard

Title: The 18th Archibald Lampman Poetry Reading with Liz Howard

Date: March 14, 2017

trinity-college-uoftLocation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: 2016 Griffin Poetry Prize winner Liz Howard will deliver the 18th Archibald Lampman Poetry Reading at Trinity College, University of Toronto, in an event offered by Friends of the Library. Learn more about Canadian poet Archibald Lampman (1861-1899) here.

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Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) XLIV Nowruz Celebration 2017

Title: Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) XLIV Nowruz Celebration 2017

Date: March 21, 2017

shabe-sherLocation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: The most diverse poetry reading and open mic in Toronto, Shab-e She’r has been bridging the gap between diverse poetry communities, bringing together people from different ethnicities, nationalities, ages, disabilities, religions (or lack thereof), poetic styles, voices and visions. At Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) we don’t just wait for diversity to happen: we actively invite it. Please spread the word through social media and other means. Let our event become as diverse as we are.

Host of the evening is Bänoo Zan, the featured poets this evening are Nasim Asgari and Luciano Iacobelli and the featured musician is Radwan Altaleb.

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Trillium Book Award 30th Anniversary Reading

Title: Trillium Book Award 30th Anniversary Reading

Date: March 16, 2017

omdc-logoLocation: Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Description: To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Trillium Book Award, the Ontario Media Development Corporation is hosting a series of author readings by several previous winners and last year’s finalists. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Readings will begin at 7:00 p.m. These readings are free and open to the public but attendees are asked to register in advance.

The Guelph event features: Madhur Anand, Kevin Connolly, Kevin Hardcastle, Jeff Latosik and Pasha Malla.

Learn more here.

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Trillium Book Award 30th Anniversary Reading

Title: Trillium Book Award 30th Anniversary Reading

Date: March 9, 2017

omdc-logoLocation: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Description: To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Trillium Book Award, the Ontario Media Development Corporation is hosting a series of author readings by several previous winners and last year’s finalists. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Readings will begin at 7:00 p.m. These readings are free and open to the public but attendees are asked to register in advance.

The Peterborough event features: Jeramy Dodds, Caroline Durand, Andrew Forbes, Kevin Hardcastle, Rabindranath Maharaj and Janette Platana.

Learn more here.

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Growing Room: A Feminist Literary Festival

Title: Growing Room: A Feminist Literary Festival

Start Date: March 8, 11, 2017
End Date: March 12, 2017

room-magazineLocation: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (unceded Coast Salish territories)
Description: The Growing Room Festival is Room magazine’s inaugural literary festival, a celebration of diverse Canadian writers and artists. The festival line-up includes Amber Dawn, Marianne Apostolides, Elizabeth Bachinsky, Carleigh Baker, Adèle Barclay and many more.

Learn more here.

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Growing Room: A Feminist Literary Festival

Title: Growing Room: A Feminist Literary Festival

Date: March 8, 11-12, 2017

room-magazineLocation: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (unceded Coast Salish territories)
Description: The Growing Room Festival is Room magazine’s inaugural literary festival, a celebration of diverse Canadian writers and artists. The festival line-up includes Amber Dawn, Marianne Apostolides, Elizabeth Bachinsky, Carleigh Baker, Adèle Barclay and many more.

Learn more here.

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