Manitoba Book Awards

Title: Manitoba Book Awards

Date: April 22, 2017

manitoba-book-awardsLocation: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Description: The Manitoba Book Awards is an annual project of the Manitoba Writers’ Guild produced with the assistance of the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers. The Manitoba Book Awards honour books written by Manitobans, published in Manitoba or about Manitoba. More than $30,000 in prizes is awarded each year to Manitoba writers. The Manitoba Book Awards celebrates literary excellence, originality and diverse talent. Among the prizes to be awarded is the Lansdowne Prize for Poetry.

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Spring Pulse Poetry Festival

Title: Spring Pulse Poetry Festival

Start Date: April 20, 2017
End Date: April 22, 2017

spring-pulse-poetry-festivalLocation: Cobalt, Ontario, Canada
Description: The festival’s mandate is to share poetry in public places, so events are held throughout Temiskaming Shores and Cobalt. The Spring Pulse Poetry Festival has created a literary/arts even where the tri-cultural community comes together to celebrate its past and present creativity through poetry, music, and art.

Today, the Spring Pulse Poetry Festival is Northern Ontario’s largest poetry/arts festival and this year celebrates nine years of existence — establishing Cobalt as a “petite paradise of poetry.”

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Canadian Authors for Indies Day

Title: Canadian Authors for Indies Day

Date: April 29, 2017

authors-for-indiesLocation: Canada
Description: Authors for Indies is a national campaign in support of independent bookstores. On Saturday April 29, hundreds of Canadian authors will be volunteering as guest booksellers at indie bookstores across the country. This is the day we authors give back to the bookstores who support us every day of the year.

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Newburyport Literary Festival

Title: Newburyport Literary Festival

Start Date: April 28, 2017
End Date: April 29, 2017

Location: Newburyport, Massachusetts, US
Description: With a rich literary heritage, the greater Newburyport area has a lot to be excited about. Writers as diverse as John Greenleaf Whittier, John P. Marquand, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Andre Dubus II have called Newburyport home. The Newburyport Literary Festival is a project of the Newburyport Literary Association, and features writers of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and children/teens works.

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Genre Bending Essays with Elizabeth Reeder

Title: Genre Bending Essays with Elizabeth Reeder

Date: April 27, 2017

scottish-poetry-library-sloganLocation: Edinburgh, Scotland
Description: In times of sudden political shifts, violent acts, and considerable cultural change (as exemplified by Brexit, events in Calais, the Black Lives Matter movement, discussions around Scottish Independence, and ongoing explorations of issues pertaining to gender, race, equality and migration), we often turn to writers to help us question and understand situations that trouble us. Cross-genre writing (e.g. Rankine’s Citizen; Solnit’s Hope in the Dark) has the potential to bring complicated, difficult subjects to the attention of wider audiences in complex, thought-provoking ways. Towards this end, we will run a series of writing workshops and public events bringing writers, artists, academics, and readers together to think about how and why we write and read between and beyond genres, forms and disciplines. These conversations will encourage new writing and collaborations underpinned by the idea that the experimental essay is a powerful form where essential ideas are hashed out and communicated.

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Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) L Poetry Month Celebration

Title: Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) L Poetry Month Celebration

Date: April 25, 2017

shabe-sherLocation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: The most diverse poetry reading and open mic in Toronto, Shab-e She’r has been bridging the gap between diverse poetry communities, bringing together people from different ethnicities, nationalities, ages, disabilities, religions (or lack thereof), poetic styles, voices and visions. At Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) we don’t just wait for diversity to happen: we actively invite it. Please spread the word through social media and other means. Let our event become as diverse as we are.

Host of the evening is Bänoo Zan, the featured poets this evening are Diana Manole and Anuj Rastogi, and the guest speaker is Jael Richardson.

Learn more here.

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Writing at the Aga Khan Museum

Title: Writing at the Aga Khan Museum

Date: April 9, 2017

aga-khan-museumLocation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: With Rebel, Jester, Mystic, Poet: Contemporary Persians and Canadian writing as your points of departure, explore concepts of culture, conflict, and change through your own poetry and prose. Instructor Kelley Aitken and Laboni Islam lead this series of dynamic, directed writing activities inspired by the concepts of identity, home and belonging. Write your own creative works, independently and collaboratively.

Learn more here.

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Get Busy: Coach House Books Spring Launch

Title: Get Busy: Coach House Books Spring Launch

Date: April 27, 2017

coachhouse-logoLocation: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: The folks at Coach House Books have been industrious little bunnies making another season’s worth of books, and all the work has them thirsty! On April 27th, join them (and perhaps a few maniacal hares) in raising a glass and gettin’ busy at their spring launch! The evening will feature readings from Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette & Rhonda Mullins, Linda Besner, Jill Connell, Julia Cooper, Suzette Mayr, Sarah Pinder, Shane Rhodes and Jesse Ruddock.

Learn more here.

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