Title: Genre Bending Essays with Elizabeth Reeder
Date: April 27, 2017
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
Description: In times of sudden political shifts, violent acts, and considerable cultural change (as exemplified by Brexit, events in Calais, the Black Lives Matter movement, discussions around Scottish Independence, and ongoing explorations of issues pertaining to gender, race, equality and migration), we often turn to writers to help us question and understand situations that trouble us. Cross-genre writing (e.g. Rankine’s Citizen; Solnit’s Hope in the Dark) has the potential to bring complicated, difficult subjects to the attention of wider audiences in complex, thought-provoking ways. Towards this end, we will run a series of writing workshops and public events bringing writers, artists, academics, and readers together to think about how and why we write and read between and beyond genres, forms and disciplines. These conversations will encourage new writing and collaborations underpinned by the idea that the experimental essay is a powerful form where essential ideas are hashed out and communicated.
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