Griffin Poetry Prize Submissions

Year: Author surname: Title:
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Author: Machado, Aditi
Title: Some Beheadings
Year: 2018
Publisher: Nightboat Books
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Machado, Aditi
Title: Emporium
Year: 2021
Publisher: Nightboat Books
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: MacINNES, Mairi
Title: The Pebble: Old and New Poems
Year: 2001
Publisher: University of Illinois Press
Publisher Link:
Author: MacINNIS, Judy Jr.
Title: Snatch
Year: 2001
Publisher: Anvil Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Macioci, R. Nikolas
Title: Rough: Poems
Year: 2021
Publisher: Adelaide Books LLC
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: MacIsaac, Dan
Title: Cries from the Ark
Year: 2018
Publisher: Brick Books
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: MacKenzie, John
Title: Letters I Didn't Write
Year: 2009
Publisher: Nightwood Editions
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: MACKENZIE, John
Title: Sledgehammer and Other Poems
Year: 2001
Publisher: Polestar Book Publishers
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: MacKenzie, John
Title: Shaken by Physics
Year: 2003
Publisher: Polestar/imprint of Raincoast
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Mackenzie, Nancy
Title: Communion
Year: 2011
Publisher: Ekstasis Editions
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Mackenzie, Nancy
Title: Crisp-Maned Bay
Year: 2019
Publisher: Ekstasis Editions
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Mackey, Nathaniel
Title: Blue Fasa
Year: 2016
Publisher: New Directions Books
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Mackey, Nathaniel
Title: Splay Anthem
Year: 2007
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Mackie, Patrick
Title: The Further Adventures of the Lives of the Saints
Year: 2017
Publisher: CB Editions
Publisher Link:
Country: England
Author: MacKinnon, Jamie
Title: Just Like Blood
Year: 2005
Publisher: SGB Productions
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Mackinnon, Lachlan
Title: The Jupiter Collisions
Year: 2004
Publisher: Faber & Faber
Publisher Link:
Country: UK
Author: Macklin, Elizabeth (Translator)
Title: Meanwhile Take My Hand (Kirmen Uribe)
Year: 2008
Publisher: Graywolf Press
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Mackmin, Michael
Title: AND
Year: 2018
Publisher: HappenStance Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Scotland
Author: Mackowski, Joanie
Title: View From A Temporary Window
Year: 2011
Publisher: University of Pittsburgh Press
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: MACLAINE, Brent
Title: Wind and Root
Year: 2001
Publisher: Signal Edition / Vehicule Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
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