Griffin Poetry Prize Submissions

Year: Author surname: Title:
Publisher: Country: Category:
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Author: LeBlanc, Curtis
Title: Birding in the Glass Age of Isolation
Year: 2021
Publisher: Nightwood Editions
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Lebowitz, Rachel
Title: Cottonopolis
Year: 2014
Publisher: Pedlar Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Leckie, Ross
Title: Gravity's Plumb Line
Year: 2006
Publisher: Gaspereau Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Leclerc, Christine
Title: Counterfeit
Year: 2009
Publisher: Capilano University Editions
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Lederer, Katy
Title: Winter Sex
Year: 2003
Publisher: Verse Press
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Leduc, Thomas
Title: Slagflower: Poems Unearthed From A Mining Town
Year: 2020
Publisher: Latitude 46 Publishing
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Ledwell, Frank
Title: The Taste of Water
Year: 2007
Publisher: The Acorn Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Ledwell, Jane
Title: Last Tomato
Year: 2006
Publisher: The Acorn Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Lee, Corinne
Title: Pyx
Year: 2006
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd.
Publisher Link:
Country: England
Author: Lee, Corinne
Title: Plenty
Year: 2017
Publisher: Penguin Random House/Penguin Books
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Lee, David
Title: So Quietly The Earth
Year: 2005
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Lee, David
Title: Last Call
Year: 2015
Publisher: Wings Press
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Lee, David Dodd
Title: Abrupt Rural
Year: 2005
Publisher: New Issues Poetry & Prose
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Lee, David Dodd
Title: The Nervous Filaments
Year: 2011
Publisher: Four Way Books
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Lee, Dennis
Title: Un
Year: 2004
Publisher: House of Anansi Press Inc.
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Lee, Dennis
Title: So Cool
Year: 2005
Publisher: Key Porter Books
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Lee, Dennis
Title: Testament
Year: 2013
Publisher: House of Anansi
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Lee, Dennis
Title: Yesno
Year: 2008
Publisher: House of Anansi Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Lee, Ed Bok
Title: Mitochondrial Night
Year: 2020
Publisher: Coffee House Press
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Lee, Ed Bok
Title: Whorled
Year: 2012
Publisher: Coffee House Press
Publisher Link:
Country: US
1 261 262 263 264 265 512