Griffin Poetry Prize Submissions

Year: Author surname: Title:
Publisher: Country: Category:
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Author: Konig, Anja
Title: Animal Experiments
Year: 2021
Publisher: Bad Betty Press Limited
Publisher Link:
Country: England
Author: Konyves, Tom
Title: Perfect Answers to Silent Questions
Year: 2016
Publisher: Ekstasis Editions Canada Ltd.
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Kooper, Jameson
Title: Lone Pine North Woods
Year: 2018
Publisher: Mischievous Books
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Kooser, Ted
Title: Splitting an Order
Year: 2015
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Kooser, Ted
Title: Red Stilts
Year: 2021
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Koostachin, Jules Arita
Title: Unearthing Secrets, Gathering Truths
Year: 2019
Publisher: Kegedonce Press Inc.
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Kope, Beth
Title: Average Height of Flight
Year: 2016
Publisher: Caitlin Press Inc.
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Kope, Beth
Title: Falling Season
Year: 2011
Publisher: Leaf Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Korfhage, Christine
Title: We Aren't Who We Are and this world isn't either
Year: 2008
Publisher: CavanKerry Press
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Kornberg-Weiss, Morani
Title: Dear Darwish
Year: 2014
Publisher: BlazeVOX Books
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Kornberger, Jennifer
Title: I could be rain
Year: 2008
Publisher: Sunline Press
Publisher Link:
Author: Kosk-Kosicka, Danuta E. (Translator)
Title: Slodka woda, slona woda/Sweet Water, Salt Water
Year: 2010
Publisher: Wydawnictwo ASTRA""""
Publisher Link:
Country: Poland
Author: Kosmicki, Greg
Title: Some Hero of the Past
Year: 2007
Publisher: Wordtech Communications LLC/Custom Words
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Kotsilidis, Leigh
Title: Hypotheticals
Year: 2012
Publisher: Coach House Books
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Kovac, Deidre
Title: Mannerism
Year: 2021
Publisher: Edge Books
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Kovacick, Karen
Title: Metropolis Burning
Year: 2006
Publisher: Cleveland State University Poetry Center/Imagination Series
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Kovacik, Karen (Translator)
Title: Aperture (Jacek Dehnel)
Year: 2019
Publisher: Zephyr Press
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Kovrlija, Vesna
Title: Poets in Poems
Year: 2012
Publisher: Prometej
Publisher Link:
Country: Serbia
Author: Kovrlija, Vesna (Translator)
Title: My House Is at the End of the Village (Radovan Vlahovic)
Year: 2013
Publisher: Slovak Publishing Center
Publisher Link:
Country: Serbia
Author: Kowal, Ken
Title: Gimp Crow
Year: 2011
Publisher: Turnstone Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
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