Griffin Poetry Prize Submissions
Author: Holmberg, Karen
Title: Axis Mundi
Year: 2014
Title: Axis Mundi
Year: 2014
Publisher: BkMk Press, University of Missouri-Kansis City
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Holmes, Gaia
Title: Lifting the Piano with One Hand
Year: 2014
Title: Lifting the Piano with One Hand
Year: 2014
Author: Holmes, Matthew
Title: Hitch
Year: 2007
Title: Hitch
Year: 2007
Author: Holmes, Nancy
Title: The Flicker Tree: Okanagan Poems
Year: 2013
Title: The Flicker Tree: Okanagan Poems
Year: 2013
Author: Holmstrom, Lakshmi & Ebeling, Sascha (Translators)
Title: A Second Sunrise (Rudhramoorty Cheran)
Year: 2013
Title: A Second Sunrise (Rudhramoorty Cheran)
Year: 2013
Author: Holmstrom, Lakshmi (Translator)
Title: In a Time of Burning (Cheran)
Year: 2014
Title: In a Time of Burning (Cheran)
Year: 2014
Author: Holton, Brian (Translator)
Title: Narrative Poems by Yang Lian
Year: 2018
Title: Narrative Poems by Yang Lian
Year: 2018
Author: Holton, Brian (Translator)
Title: Riding Pisces (Yang Lian)
Year: 2009
Title: Riding Pisces (Yang Lian)
Year: 2009
Author: Homan, Brandi
Title: Bobcat Country
Year: 2011
Title: Bobcat Country
Year: 2011
Author: Homesley, Celia
Title: Body of Crimson Leaves
Year: 2007
Title: Body of Crimson Leaves
Year: 2007
Author: Hong, Anna Maria
Title: Fablesque
Year: 2021
Title: Fablesque
Year: 2021
Author: Hong, Cathy Park
Title: Engine Empire
Year: 2013
Title: Engine Empire
Year: 2013
Author: Hongo, Garrett
Title: Coral Road Poems
Year: 2012
Title: Coral Road Poems
Year: 2012
Author: Honum, Chloe
Title: The Tulip-Flame
Year: 2015
Title: The Tulip-Flame
Year: 2015
Publisher: Cleveland State University Poetry Center
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Publisher Link:
Country: USA