Griffin Poetry Prize Submissions

Year: Author surname: Title:
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Author: Heath, Helen
Title: Graft
Year: 2013
Publisher: Victoria University Press
Publisher Link:
Country: New Zealand
Author: Heathcote, Joelene
Title: What's Between Us Can't Be Heard
Year: 2003
Publisher: Ekstasis Editions
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Hecht, Anthony
Title: Collected Later Poems
Year: 2004
Publisher: Knopf
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Hecht, Jennifer Michael
Title: Funny
Year: 2006
Publisher: The University of Wisconsin Press
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Hecht, Jennifer Michael
Title: Who Said
Year: 2014
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Hecht, Jennifer Michael
Title: The Next Ancient World
Year: 2002
Publisher: Tupelo Press
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Hedeen, Katherine (Translator)
Title: Thaw (Victor Rodriguez Nunez)
Year: 2014
Publisher: Arc Publications
Publisher Link:
Country: England
Author: Hedeen, Katherine M. & Victor Rodriguez-Nunez (Translators)
Title: The World So Often: Poems 1982-2008 (Luis Garcia Montero)
Year: 2014
Publisher: SALT
Publisher Link:
Country: England
Author: Hegedus, Paul
Title: In Stereo
Year: 2009
Publisher: Book Thug
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Heighton, Steven
Title: The Address Book
Year: 2005
Publisher: House of Anansi Press Inc.
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Heighton, Steven
Title: The Waking Comes Late
Year: 2017
Publisher: House of Anansi Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Heighton, Steven
Title: Patient Frame
Year: 2011
Publisher: House of Anansi Press Inc.
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Heijinian, Lyn
Title: Book of a Thousand Eyes
Year: 2013
Publisher: Omnidawn
Publisher Link:
Country: US
Author: Heine-Koehn, Lala
Title: Touching Marble
Year: 2012
Publisher: Ekstasis Editions Canada Limited
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Heine-Koehn, Lala
Title: The Seduction of the Written Word
Year: 2009
Publisher: Ekstasis Editions Canada Ltd.
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Heinowitz, Cole (Translator)
Title: Advice from 1 Disciple of Marx to 1 Heidegger Fanatic
Year: 2014
Publisher: Wave Books
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Heiti, Warren
Title: Hydro Logos
Year: 2012
Publisher: Pedlar Press
Publisher Link:
Country: Canada
Author: Hejinian, Lyn
Title: The Unfollowing
Year: 2017
Publisher: Omnidawn Publishing
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Hejinian, Lyn
Title: Positions of the Sun
Year: 2019
Publisher: Belladonna
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
Author: Hejinian, Lyn
Title: Saga/Circus
Year: 2009
Publisher: Omnidawn Publishing
Publisher Link:
Country: USA
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