League of Canadian Poets conference registration deadline

Title: League of Canadian Poets conference registration deadline

Date: May 31, 2017

Description: The League of Canadian Poets’ 2017 AGM and conference will take place in Toronto from June 9 to 11, 2017. The League is excited to have its annual awards celebration, feminist caucus programming, members-only events and much, much more.

Learn more here.

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Ziniuk, Pinder and Kolewe at knife | fork | book

Title: Ziniuk, Pinder and Kolewe at knife | fork | book

Date: June 8, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: All knife | fork | book readings events happen Thursday evenings (unless otherwise noted). Doors open at 6:30 pm at Rick’s Cafe in Kensington Market. This event features readings by Tara-Michelle Ziniuk, Sarah Pinder and R. Kolewe.

Learn more here.

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Beckman, Frym and Still at knife | fork | book

Title: Beckman, Frym and Still at knife | fork | book

Date: June 6, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: All knife | fork | book readings events happen Thursday evenings (unless otherwise noted). Doors open at 6:30 pm at Rick’s Cafe in Kensington Market. This event features readings by Joshua Beckman, Gloria Frym and Jennifer Still.

Learn more here.

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Poetry Is Dead magazine launch at knife | fork | book

Title: Poetry Is Dead magazine launch at knife | fork | book

Date: June 5, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: All knife | fork | book readings events happen Thursday evenings (unless otherwise noted). Doors open at 6:30 pm at Rick’s Cafe in Kensington Market. This event features the launch of the latest issue of Poetry Is Dead magazine.

Learn more here.

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Gaston, Izsak, Belcher and MacEachern at knife | fork | book

Title: Gaston, Izsak, Belcher and MacEachern at knife | fork | book

Date: June 1, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: All knife | fork | book readings events happen Thursday evenings (unless otherwise noted). Doors open at 6:30 pm at Rick’s Cafe in Kensington Market. This event features readings by Lise Gaston, Emily Izsak, Michael Belcher and Jessi MacEachern.

Learn more here.

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Surkan, Caufin, Wu, Naga and Whitehead at knife | fork | book

Title: Surkan, Caufin, Wu, Naga and Whitehead at knife | fork | book

Date: May 28, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: All knife | fork | book readings events happen Thursday evenings (unless otherwise noted). Doors open at 6:30 pm at Rick’s Cafe in Kensington Market. This event, Pre-burial, has the following featured guests: Neil Surkan, Alexandra Caufin, Fan Wu, Noor Naga and Joshua Whitehead, with host Andre Babyn.

Learn more here.

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Festival de la poesie de Montreal

Title: Festival de la poesie de Montreal

Start Date: May 29, 2017
End Date: June 4, 2017

Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Description: Du 29 mai au 4 juin, le Festival de la poésie de Montréal fêtera son dix-huitième printemps, déjà ! Pour célébrer sa majorité, il fera tout un « party » avec une Nuit (métal) de la poésie, un événement-hommage à Nicole Brossard, l’Argentine comme pays à l’honneur, l’incontournable Marché de la poésie et bien d’autres surprises…

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The Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition 2017 submission deadline

Title: The Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition 2017 submission deadline

Date: June 30, 2017

Description: The Fool for Poetry Chapbook Competition is open to new, emerging and established poets from any country BUT at least one of the winners will be a debutante (with no chapbook or book published previously). Up to 25 – 50 other entrants will be publicly listed as “highly commended”.

The winning chapbooks will be published in February 2018 with ISBNs, barcodes and will be offered for sale internationally through our own website, Amazon, and selected independent book sellers. The winning poets will be offered a reading slot and three nights’ accommodation at the Cork International Poetry Festival 2018. An entrance fee of €25 will be charged for each manuscript. Entrants may enter more than one manuscript. The winners will be selected by a panel consisting of renowned poets Mary Noonan, Matthew Sweeney, Thomas McCarthy, James Harpur and Leanne O’Sullivan.

Learn more here.

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Prairie Fire call for volunteer book reviewers – application deadline

Title: Prairie Fire call for volunteer book reviewers – application deadline

Date: May 26, 2017

Location: Canada
Description: Every week, Prairie Fire receives new and exciting fiction, poetry and non-fiction by Canadian authors and publishers to review, and they need people to review them! They will send you free books by fantastic Canadian talent and you provide a succinct (under 1000 words) review of each book in return. Prairie Fire then publishes your review on their website and social media. Also, should you be accepted as a reviewer, you will receive a complimentary one year subscription to Prairie Fire.

Learn more here.

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