Title: The Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition 2017 submission deadline
Date: June 30, 2017
Description: The Fool for Poetry Chapbook Competition is open to new, emerging and established poets from any country BUT at least one of the winners will be a debutante (with no chapbook or book published previously). Up to 25 – 50 other entrants will be publicly listed as “highly commended”.
The winning chapbooks will be published in February 2018 with ISBNs, barcodes and will be offered for sale internationally through our own website, Amazon, and selected independent book sellers. The winning poets will be offered a reading slot and three nights’ accommodation at the Cork International Poetry Festival 2018. An entrance fee of €25 will be charged for each manuscript. Entrants may enter more than one manuscript. The winners will be selected by a panel consisting of renowned poets Mary Noonan, Matthew Sweeney, Thomas McCarthy, James Harpur and Leanne O’Sullivan.
Learn more here.
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