Nyman, Di Cicco and Burrs at the Art Bar Poetry Series

Title: Nyman, Di Cicco and Burrs at the Art Bar Poetry Series

Date: August 1, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: The Art Bar is recognized as Canada’s longest running poetry-only, weekly reading series. Since 1991, it has featured both emerging and established poets from across Canada and occasionally from abroad. It has become a hub for the poetry community, and entry point for new voices, a place for people to enjoy one of the oldest arts.

This week’s offering features John Nyman, Pier Giorgio Di Cicco and Mick Burrs.

Learn more here.

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Whetter, Moody and Colbert at the Art Bar Poetry Series

Title: Whetter, Moody and Colbert at the Art Bar Poetry Series

Date: July 25, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: The Art Bar is recognized as Canada’s longest running poetry-only, weekly reading series. Since 1991, it has featured both emerging and established poets from across Canada and occasionally from abroad. It has become a hub for the poetry community, and entry point for new voices, a place for people to enjoy one of the oldest arts.

This week’s offering features Darryl Whetter, Jonathan Moody and Janice Colbert.

Learn more here.

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Hancock, Sorbara and Byenkya at the Art Bar Poetry Series

Title: Hancock, Sorbara and Byenkya at the Art Bar Poetry Series

Date: July 18, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: The Art Bar is recognized as Canada’s longest running poetry-only, weekly reading series. Since 1991, it has featured both emerging and established poets from across Canada and occasionally from abroad. It has become a hub for the poetry community, and entry point for new voices, a place for people to enjoy one of the oldest arts.

This week’s offering features Peter Hancock, Kate Sorbara and Mugabi Byenkya.

Learn more here.

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Di Placido, Pileggi and DaCosta at the Art Bar Poetry Series

Title: Di Placido, Pileggi and DaCosta at the Art Bar Poetry Series

Date: July 11, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: The Art Bar is recognized as Canada’s longest running poetry-only, weekly reading series. Since 1991, it has featured both emerging and established poets from across Canada and occasionally from abroad. It has become a hub for the poetry community, and entry point for new voices, a place for people to enjoy one of the oldest arts.

This week’s offering features Sonia Di Placido, Julia Peliggi and Zach DaCosta.

Learn more here.

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Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) LIII

Title: Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) LIII

Date: July 25, 2017

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Description: The most diverse poetry reading and open mic in Toronto, Shab-e She’r has been bridging the gap between diverse poetry communities, bringing together people from different ethnicities, nationalities, ages, disabilities, religions (or lack thereof), poetic styles, voices and visions. At Shab-e She’r (Poetry Night) we don’t just wait for diversity to happen: we actively invite it. Please spread the word through social media and other means. Let our event become as diverse as we are.

Host of the evening is Bänoo Zan, and the featured poets are Heather Wood and Mugabi Byenkya.

Learn more here.

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Title: #todayspoem

Date: September 15, 2017

Description: In fact, every day is #todayspoem day. With the #todayspoem hashtag, you can share an excerpt from any poem that happens to have made your day. Everyone shares their #todayspoem experience a little differently, with an image, a link, an excerpt, whatever fits in a tweet. Each tweet is enough to spur a moment of delight or recognition or, handily favorited in Twitter, is a lovely bookmark for future poetry explorations.

Learn more here.

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Title: #todayspoem

Date: August 27, 2017

Description: In fact, every day is #todayspoem day. With the #todayspoem hashtag, you can share an excerpt from any poem that happens to have made your day. Everyone shares their #todayspoem experience a little differently, with an image, a link, an excerpt, whatever fits in a tweet. Each tweet is enough to spur a moment of delight or recognition or, handily favorited in Twitter, is a lovely bookmark for future poetry explorations.

Learn more here.

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Title: #todayspoem

Date: July 29, 2017

Description: In fact, every day is #todayspoem day. With the #todayspoem hashtag, you can share an excerpt from any poem that happens to have made your day. Everyone shares their #todayspoem experience a little differently, with an image, a link, an excerpt, whatever fits in a tweet. Each tweet is enough to spur a moment of delight or recognition or, handily favorited in Twitter, is a lovely bookmark for future poetry explorations.

Learn more here.

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Room Magazine Fiction and Poetry Contests submission deadline

Title: Room Magazine Fiction and Poetry Contests submission deadline

Date: July 15, 2017

Description: Room is Canada’s oldest literary journal by and about women. Published quarterly by the West Coast Feminist Literary Magazine Society, also known as the Growing Room Collective, Room showcases fiction, poetry, reviews, art work, interviews and profiles about the female experience. Many of our contributors are at the beginning of their writing careers, looking for an opportunity to get published for the first time. Some later go on to great acclaim.

This year’s poetry competition is being judged by Jónína Kirton.

Learn more here.

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Lakefield Literary Festival

Title: Lakefield Literary Festival

Start Date: July 14, 2017
End Date: July 16, 2017

Location: Lakefield, Ontario, Canada
Description: In commemoration of Margaret Laurence, Catharine Parr Traill, Susanna Moodie and the community’s ongoing literary heritage, the Lakefield Literary Festival showcases Canadian authors and promotes the joy of reading and writing among children and adults.

Learn more here.

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